Meet Xavier! Xavier is a 11-year-old African American male with beautiful light brown, almost hazel, eyes, big dimples, and short dark brown hair. Xavier is a sports lover. He really enjoys playing baseball, football, kickball and running track. He describes himself as being very fast and good at these sports. Xavier is currently in 4th grade and loves school. He gets along with his teachers and reports that all his teachers are his favorite. His favorite subjects are English, Math, and Art. However, out of those, he really loves his art class. He likes to be creative and is able to do this in his art class by drawing and painting. He also recently started to enjoy reading and is currently reading the book series Captain Underpants. Xavier’s favorite colors are red, blue, and pink. His favorite holiday is his birthday! Xavier reports he likes to be silly and goof around. He described himself as a funny person and likes to make other people laugh. He likes to watch movies. His favorite movie genre is scary movies. The most recent scary movie he watched was Venom and he really liked it. He reported he has watched superhero movies in the past but thinks that they can sometimes be boring. However, his favorite superheroes are any of the ones with ‘man’ in their name. His all time favorite though is most definitely Thor. Xavier enjoys Dominos peperoni pizza, spaghetti, and sour patch kids. He says that he loves to eat. Xavier also likes to spend time with other kids his age. He likes being around the other boys in his current placement and playing games with them. Xavier can be somewhat shy around adults, but once he warms up, he is very sweet and polite.