Thomas is a 16-year-old Caucasian male. He is tall and thin with fluffy, almost curly, brown hair and a warm smile. His personality is often described as laid back and easy-going. Many people who have met Thomas often remark on his ability to always see the bright side of a situation. Thomas is constantly making an effort to remain positive and uplifting. He does not like to dwell on the negative. He has his goals in his mind and is always pushing towards them. His main goal he would like to achieve is getting his Licensed Practical Nurse diploma before he turns 18. After he accomplishes this, Thomas has expressed he would like to attend law school. If you were to ask Thomas why he wants to go to law school, he would tell you with a big smile it is because he loves to debate. He believes that debating is different than arguing because it allows you to see a different point of view. Thomas is also not afraid to admit when he is wrong about something.
When it comes to movies and TV shows, Thomas enjoys watching the romance genre. He also likes to watch YouTube videos. His favorite Youtuber is called Ekane. They make comedy videos and tell stories about their life. Thomas’s hobbies include getting his nails and lashes done and going shopping. His favorite brands to shop at are Nike, Jordans, Versace, and he also really loves Bath and Body Works. Shopping and spending time with his friends are his favorite past times. Thomas likes to listen to lots of music, specifically rap music. His current favorite artist is NBA Youngboy.
Thomas is also a big believer in good hygiene, organization, and being clean. When it comes to his items, everything has a place where it belongs. Thomas also likes to eat clean, preferring healthy foods, like salads, for his meals. His favorite dishes are seafood based, with the exception of oysters. In addition, he also does not like exotic foods such as frog legs and cow tongue.
Thomas is very mature, intelligent, and kind. He is able to make friends easily and enjoys getting to know people. He is not judgmental and tries to keep an open mind. He also is funny and likes to make others laugh. He likes animals like dogs and cats but has admitted he would never want to take care of farm animals.