Louis is 11 years old and is described as a child who loves to smile, laugh, and give hugs. He is into everything and will smile really big when an adult is speaking with him if he doesn’t necessarily understand the question. He is a good eater, and his favorite foods are spaghetti and chili. He loves to run and play. He also takes a lot of naps. He goes to bed well and sleeps through the night, but he dreams a lot and tosses and turns a lot.
Louis is developmentally delayed and needs a lot of attention and supervision. He struggles with all his personal hygiene tasks and needs a lot of help in those areas. He still wears pullups, but usually he uses the toilet for bowel movements. He has had accidents recently and he made a mess with it.
He does take medicine to help him sleep at night and sometimes he will try to fight it and stay up. Louis loves being nurtured, hugged, cuddled, and getting positive attention, but he needs two parents or a single parent with a lot of on hand support. He needs supervision constantly because he is impulsive and curious and can get himself into things very quickly.