Delilah is a bright-eyed 13-year-old girl. Delilah has brunette hair and is small and shorter in stature. One thing Delilah excels at is making conversation. Delilah loves to talk and will tell you everything about a subject she is interested in. She is energetic and animated when she is discussing something she is passionate about. She is good at speaking up for herself as well. She is not afraid to voice her opinion or advocate for her needs. She is able to use logic and reason in her conversations and is receptive to it when others do the same.
Delilah likes to play sports and video games. She is currently a big fan of playing Fornite, although she says she prefers it on a computer over a gaming system. She feels like she wins more on a computure system. Soccer and football are her favorite sports to play. She is very agile and does great at these sports. One thing about playing sports Delilah likes is that she gets to be active outside. Besides playing sports outside, Delilah likes to go swimming. However, she stated she prefers pools and water parks over going to the beach.
One of Delilah’s favorite musical artists is Tate McRea. She likes Taylor Swift as well but prefers her older albums more than the recent ones. Not only does Delilah like to listen to music, she likes to write songs as well. She feels like this is a good way she is able to be creative and express herself.
Delilah is currently obsessed with London and Paris. She has her room decorated with items fitting London or Paris themes. She hopes to be able to visit each city one day when she is older. Being able to decorate her room and organize her items the way she wants to is very important to Delilah. One of Delilah’s biggest pet peeves is when people move her items and don’t put them back exactly where they are supposed to be. She likes everything to be the way she left it originally.
Delilah has been reading a lot more recently than she has in the past. The book series she is currently enjoying is the Percy Jackson series. She loves reading about the adventures the heroes go on. She wants to watch the TV series and compare it to the books when she is done. She reports that she can sit and read these books for hours at a time.
Delilah also enjoys spending time with animals. Her favorite animals are dogs, but she also likes bunnies, cats, and raccoons. She thinks it would be really fun to have a pet raccoon one day. She does well with animals and has experience taking care of them.
In her free time, Delilah also likes to watch her favorite TV shows and movies. Her all-time favorite TV show is SpongeBob. Her favorite movie is Disney’s Home. She thinks both of these are really funny and have good jokes. Delilah likes to make jokes herself and is good at making others laugh.