Every donation we receive is used to fund the costs associated with adding children to the Heart Gallery, helping these children find homes, and help provide hope to these children. Any help or donations you can offer would be much appreciated and will be put directly toward helping these children find the homes they deserve.
We maintain a collection of quality photographs of our waiting children for display online, at churches, businesses, events or any other location that might help raise awareness. We operate 100% with volunteers that donate their time and efforts.
We operate 100% with volunteers, including individuals and partners that are willing to donate their time and efforts. Our work would not be possible without the sponsors who support us and the professionals who give their time and energy.
Every child deserves to feel hope. This is particularly true for children in foster care. Fill a child with hope by providing a special gift. YOU can make a difference in a child’s life.
YOU can make a difference by sharing and telling people about the Heart Gallery and the children waiting for forever families and a place to call home. Also, browse this website and share and like our social media pages (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube).